







常常,這種活動一不小心就會變成一種可怕的仿洋腔,而來賓常常會因主辦單位沒拿捏好而被陷入一種令人不快的 snobbish 氛圍去。也因此,在台灣時,我其實非常避免參加洋式活動。特別是所謂的【生活美學】的相關活動中,大都是災難。但是,這天的活動,雖然乍看似乎也是在【賣品味】,但是卻讓人非常舒服,從活動的安排到會場佈置到工作人員的態度,整個非常可親。不知怎地,我突然想到了飯田深雪。




賓士時裝周 上週剛落幕,這幾年,概念店 (concept store) 的概念在台灣突然流行了起來。然後,就【突然】到處都出現各種概念店。無庸置疑的,這大概跟這幾年政府力推的文創政策及各館院風行的品牌行銷課程都有點關係。理論上來說,概念店很普遍的確是好事,因為可透過【展示】,讓人不知不覺地提升美學品味。歐洲的老品牌大品牌要推出概念店大抵都不是難事,而日本人在學習西方文化的過程中,發現到這特色的核心實與日本傳統的職人精神有相近處,因此吸收得又快又到位。然而,在台灣,麻煩的是,因策展人的素質普遍低落,因此,依我之見,概念店在本國的發展,遲早會變成一種災難應該是無庸置疑的,因為概念店要精采,前提是策展人要有深厚的人文涵養及哲學訓練,否則就會非常空洞,有深度的概念店即便在歐美都不是那麼容易看到,但是精彩的店倒是處處可見,至於在本國,因為人文哲學的培養過程太貧脊,除非是外來品牌,本來就已經有一套自己的核心精神品牌價值觀等等,否則,多數想強調概念的本土店,常常其呈現都透露出操刀者的膚淺。反倒是那些不特別強調【概念】的設計類產品的展示空間,還常常有讓人眼睛一亮的驚喜。

我最近去參觀一個 showroom 的開幕,並聽負責人分享他的米蘭看展心得。




 關於椅子這件事,相關論述已經有不少了,我就不多提了。只是我常想到我以前分享過的一個新聞,印度某城曾經在都更時,把一堆椅子扔掉,後來才發現那是當時的建築師因找不到合適於他的建築風格的椅子產品,因此自己操刀設計。。。。。數十年後,該建築師舉世聞名,那些椅子在收藏市場上,每把都以萬美金為單位。而他們不但毫無所知,扔的扔,拿去當材燒得大概也有,拆了再做他用的應該也不少,總之,因無知 (不知那些東西很值錢) 而毀損古蹟古物這種蠢事,我們都很了解,政府這東西,大概到處都一樣。




我之前單看地址,(內湖區瑞湖街158號 B1) 不大了解,為什麼會去選個【地下室】。

 既然是家具與花藝的結合,那麼,Judy's Garden,豈能沒有花園呢?




 Christopher Clavius,大老的典範




於是,這位當時代的科學界權威在他能做的範圍內,為這位後輩年輕科學家的研究以非常嚴謹又含蓄的方式背了書。我想,他很知道他這一肯定下去,也就等於是自己親手為自己的時代劃下句點了,長江後浪推前浪,他是永遠失去歷史地位了。但是,在這種時候,他做了一個大老、一個前輩該做的事: 我為你開路。事實上,這也是他唯一能做的事了,自己快快滾,不要當人家的擋路石頭。這樣未來還能得到一點敬意,因為,聰明人當知,有些人與事,你擋不了。

這位偉大的科學家叫 Christopher Clavius。

7 of History’s Most Brilliant Scientists People Forget Were Catholic

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The next time someone accuses the Church of discouraging intellectual exploration that could benefit humanity, one would do well to bring the following thinkers to bear upon the discussion:

1) Louis Pasteur – Inventor of Pasteurization

Louis Pasteur, inventor of the process pasteurization (one of the biggest breakthroughs ever for preventing disease), was once praying the Rosary on a train when a young man criticized his devotion as a manifestation of scientific ignorance. Pasteur simply had to introduce himself to dispel this spurious charge of superstition.
Apocryphal or not, the anecdote is confirmed by Pasteur’s many quotes in favor of the life of faith:
“A little science takes you away from God but a lot of science takes you back to Him… Question your priorities often, make sure God always comes first… Posterity will one day laugh at the sublime foolishness of the modern materialistic philosophy. The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.
“I pray while I am engaged at my work in the laboratory… Blessed is he who carries within himself a God, an ideal, and who obeys it: ideal of art, ideal of science, ideal of the gospel virtues, therein lie the springs of great thoughts and great actions; they all reflect light from the Infinite… Do not let yourself be tainted with a barren skepticism… Could I but know all, I would have the faith of a Breton peasant woman.”

2) Gregor Mendel – Father of Genetics

Augustinian monk and pioneer of genetics, Gregor Mendel, calculated the odds of inheritance in his monastery garden. In a German sermon, he preached the following homily, seamlessly intertwining scriptural interpretation with his scientific investigations:
“Jesus appeared to the disciples after the Resurrection in various forms. He appeared to Mary Magdalene so that they might take him for a gardener. Very ingeniously these manifestation of Jesus is to our minds difficult to penetrate. He appears as a gardener. The gardener plants seedlings in prepared soil. The soil must exert a physical and chemical influence so that the seed of the plant can grow. Yet this is not sufficient. The warmth and light of the sun must be added, together with rain, in order that growth may result.
“The seed of supernatural life, of sanctifying grace, cleanses from sin, so preparing the soul of man, and man must seek to preserve this life by his good works. He still needs the supernatural food, the body of the Lord, which received continually, develops and brings to completion of the life. So natural and supernatural must unite to the realization of the holiness to the people. Man must contribute his minimum work of toil, and God gives the growth.
“Truly, the seed, the talent, the grace of God is there, and man has simply to work, take the seeds to bring them to the bankers. So that we ‘may have life, and abundantly.’”

3) St. Giuseppe Moscati – Pioneer in Treating Diabetes with Insulin

Doctor Moscati was one of the first physicians to use insulin in the treatment of diabetes, but his deep intellectual gifts were always at the service of an even deeper belief in the healing power of the Divine, as this quote goes to show:
“Only one science is unshakeable and unshaken, the one revealed by God, the science of the hereafter! In all your works, look to Heaven, to the eternity of life and of the soul, and orient yourself then much differently from the way that merely human considerations might suggest, and your activity will be inspired for the good.”

4) Louis de Broglie – Nobel Prize winner in Quantum Mechanics

Devout Catholic Henri de Broglie earned the Nobel Prize for his landmark achievement in the realm of quantum mechanics with the wave-particle equation that bears his name. Given his piety, he attributed the voyage of discovery to a desire to know and serve:
“Science itself, no matter whether it is the search for truth or merely the need to gain control over the external world, to alleviate suffering, or to prolong life, is ultimately a matter of feeling, or rather, of desire – the desire to know, or the desire to realize.”

5) Fr. Georges Lemaître – Father of the Big Bang Theory

Fr. Georges Lemaître, a Roman Catholic priest and professor of physics at Leuven, generated what has come to be called the Big Bang Theory. As to the perennial feud between reason and religion, he states:
“Once you realize that the Bible does not purport to be a textbook of science, the old controversy between religion and science vanishes…
“The doctrine of the Trinity is much more abstruse than anything in relativity or quantum mechanics; but, being necessary for salvation, the doctrine is stated in the Bible. If the theory of relativity had also been necessary for salvation, it would have been revealed to Saint Paul or to Moses.”

6) Jerome Lejeune – Discovered Cause of Down Syndrome

Doctor Jerome Lejeune discovered trisomy 21, the genetic defect that causes Down syndrome. While he labored with the intent to find a cure, he decried the pervasive usage of his discovery in prenatal testing for abortion. His pro-life stance may have cost him a Nobel Prize, but St. John Paul II appointed him as the first president of the Pontifical Academy of Life instead.
With his cause for canonization open in Rome, Lejeune’s eloquence in defense of life deserves as much consideration today as ever before:
“Human genetics can be summarized in this basic creed: In the beginning is the message, and the message is in life, and the message is life. And if the message is a human message, then the life is a human life…
“The enemies of life know that to destroy Christian civilization, they must first destroy the family at its weakest point—the child. And among the weakest, they must choose the least protected of all—the child who has never been seen; the child who is not yet known or loved in the usual meaning of the word; who has not yet seen the light of day, who cannot even cry out in distress.”

7) Galileo Galilei – Father of Modern Astronomy

Yes, the Renaissance polymath Galileo Galilei was put under house arrest for stating his solar theories as indisputable fact. But St. Robert Bellarmine was amenable to the genius’ innovative discoveries.
And, nevertheless, Galileo remained a practicing Catholic until the day he died. His own daughter became a nun. His personal testimony would not conflict with this assessment:
“The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go… I give infinite thanks to God, who has been pleased to make me the first observer of marvelous things… I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.”
* * *
Ergo, from basic genetics to interplanetary physics, the Church collectively has made more contributions to knowledge about our universe than any one entity in history. The litany of faithful scholars goes on and on!

 原文出處: 7 brilliant scientists who people forget were devout catholics (credit: ChurchPOP)


避免瞎子摸象的自我鍛鍊: 你跟我看到的不一樣

同一件事,同一個人,但是不同的媒體(特別是不同的國家或文化背景),就會關注在完全不一樣的角度。我們自小被教育要看報紙(新聞) 學英文,不過,除此之外,還能看什麼? 

我個人覺得,不習慣常看英文媒體的人,可以選擇有些媒體【直接翻譯】 的中文版,雖然看起來有點怪,但是好過本國土媒體的【綜合外電編譯】,原因很簡單,姑且不論翻譯水準,直接翻譯的看的點跟本國人彙編過的重點常常差很多。這有【開眼界】的訓練,因為【不同文化背景,階級出身,學科訓練】看到的重點會不一樣。

以針對 Dita Creamery 的報導來說,這是 CBS 的訪問
American becomes Taiwan's first cheesemaker 

這是 上下游市集 的關注點。

 至於 TVBS,當然就如其正常的耍白癡裝可愛。

這位小編不知道在乳酪界,新鮮乳酪跟陳年乳酪是兩種東西嗎? 而且,乳酪千萬種,誰跟你說【超新鮮】才是好? 



這是十二年前的文章。catch a rising star

當時,這位今天名震全球的大律師 Tom Demetrio 剛剛展露頭角。
所以現在來看他 (及其他成功律師) 的成功心法,應該是有參考價值。

Catch a Rising Star

Today, Tom Demetrio is a well-known plaintiffs lawyer in Chicago who shares top billing on the firm marquee with his mentor, Phil Corboy.

When he graduated from law school decades ago, however, Demetrio was an un­known and Corboy was already a successful attorney running his own law firm.

How did Demetrio get from there to where he is today? The secret, he says, is an approach that young attorneys can still emulate–with a bit of luck: hard work and finding the right lawyer, or lawyers, to work with.

It’s difficult if not impossible for most fledgling legal eagles to launch a successful career on their own straight out of law school. But by forming alliances with more experienced attorneys, they can learn what they need to know to establish themselves in the profession and prove their value to their employers.

“From a young associate’s standpoint, the challenge is: ‘How do I identify who those partners are?’ ” says Deborah McMurray, who runs a Dallas-based legal consulting firm. “A lot of times, the associates don’t really know who the most political players in the firm are. The person who gets the most attention isn’t necessarily the biggest rainmaker.”

To get to know potential mentors, associates should hone their conversational skills and ask in-depth questions, she says, preferably in a social setting where there is time to talk. For example, McMurray says, ask someone, “What was the defining moment that got you where you are today?” Or, “What was the choice you didn’t make but wished you would have made?”

Demetrio says he benefited from the guidance offered through a mentorship he developed while still in law school. A judge with whom Demetrio had interned talked to Corboy, who then offered Demetrio a job the day they met.

“I got real lucky,” says Demetrio, who started work at Corboy’s firm later that same day. He credits Corboy, as well as others at the firm, with helping him learn the necessary skills. “The first job is the most critical one because you are going to learn the work habits, ethics and civility of the people you’re most closely aligned with, and they stick with you throughout your career.”

Surround Yourself With Success


To find similar mentors, Demetrio suggests becoming active in a bar association. “You network, and you meet extraordinary people you can benefit from, if you take the time,” he says. “Plus, it’s cheap. When you first get out of law school, the dues are nothing.”

Another option for litigators is reading transcripts of trials handled by lawyers they admire, Demetrio says. “Ask for them–that’s all you have to do,” he says. “Lawyers are pretty generous with their work product.”

McMurray recommends guidance by several law firm mentors, rather than staking a future on a single partner’s success. “Select two or three different people who may have different strengths,” she says. Be­sides offering diversified training, a group of mentors also helps preclude “aligning yourself too closely with a lawyer who may leave” the firm.

Otherwise, “All of a sudden, you’ve tied your star to someone else’s, and you’re left in the lurch,” McMurray says. “You might be a senior associate, and there are a bunch of part­ners who don’t know who you are and what you can do.”

She and Demetrio say young lawyers should recognize that they are in charge of their careers. Orchestrate it, they say, rather than focusing just on meeting deadlines and billable hours quotas.
“You’re the author of your future and how much you want to dedicate to it,” Demetrio says. “If you can find that person who will take the time to guide you–and it’s a person you want to be guided by–jump on it, even if it’s a lower-paying job opportunity. … To me, that’s more important than taking $125,000 and slaving away without direction.”






台灣的傳統廟宇,最特殊的地方大概可說是屋頂了。自從讀了建築母語一書,只要經過廟宇,我就會忍不住的多看一下屋頂,照漢寶德老師的說明, 台灣廟宇形式在後期發展上特別側重於裝飾性。閩南建築原本就重色彩富麗的裝飾,在屋脊及簷下安置很多民間故事的雕刻與繪畫,是民俗藝術的寶藏。到台灣後,這一部分發展得特別精采。交趾燒與「剪粘」使台灣廟宇的屋頂近似民藝的展示場所。這兩種工藝越到後期,成為廟宇地位的象徵。這些早期用瓷片塑製或燒成的民俗小說的故事,與廟宇的神祇無關,有以戲劇娛神的意味。到了後期,由於可以使用塑膠色片組成,規模就無限的膨脹,甚至大過屋頂本身。使得一個小型的廟宇的外觀,幾全為彩塑所籠罩。至於鏤空的石龍柱更是不在話下了。






Deyan Sudjic 所寫的關於建築大師 佛斯特 的傳記,我個人覺得極好。因此,人若要寫傳記,誰幫你寫很重要。作者當然不是等閒之人。因此,他在 181 頁提出【建築與權力】的依存關係,並以此來討論 Foster 所蓋的【政治建物】。

當然,這是個無解的老掉牙的尖銳問題,建築 (建築師) 與權力間糾葛不清的關係。要討論的話隨便也可以找到一堆論文。畢竟,建築,從來就不只是【技藝工藝】。

 太陽花學運逗點 (還句點?) 之後,我第一時間想起的,居然是Norman Foster 這個人。他是藍領階級的出身,最後卻是貴族院一員,他關心平價住宅,卻總是幫資本主義集團蓋大樓,在英國多數建築師都投工黨的年代,真正幹過勞工的他卻沒有這麼做。

只是,我之所以會想到他,正是因為,我突然想起遣使會的會祖,國王之友 St. Vincent de Paul。坦白講,站雞蛋的那一方,的確是比較容易。而且,【穩賺不賠】。


人物已全非,唯有光依舊 -- 紐約世貿中心

2016  夏天,因著友人結婚的機緣,我回到紐約,順便前往重新開張的世貿中心轉運站以及 911紀念館等等重要歷史紀念地。對於曾經親眼見著雙子星大樓在我眼前燃燒的那一刻的我而言,這一次的舊地重遊別具意義。

時常參與示威抗議的我,看到 NYPD 總是倍感親切。 


Fauchon 在紐約終究無法生存,在二十世紀初退場。十年後,走法式風格的超市 Le District 也在這個全世界最注目的角落從頭開始。(超市走出來就是此廣場,可看落日)



重新開張的轉運站。坦白說,我認為用星條旗在美感上有點打折扣。只是基於我不大明白的原因,現代藝術家跟政客們,不知為啥不大喜歡用 Columbia 像。毎年9月11日早上10點左右 (即第二棟大樓塌下),建築的軸線方向正好與陽光一致,因此,光能透過天花的玻璃直接灑入大廳。如果說,美國現今採用的新英格蘭史觀之建國想像是【神之國度】(The City Upon a Hill),那麼也的確只有光能救贖亡者並撫慰受傷的國族靈魂。


關於世貿大樓轉運站,詳見 相關報導。




其中,因為自家產品榮登女王早餐桌的 Kellogg's (家樂氏),也趁機推出了家樂氏女王脆片。平平是草餐脆片,女王愛吃的這款可不便宜,一盒要十塊美金左右。早餐脆片這東西,說普羅是很日常,說品味也很高檔,一包的價格差到十倍並不是什麼大不了的事。而女王脆片之所以價格尊貴,當然不是因為加了可食的假鑽石珍珠造型,而是有千果之王頭銜的夏威夷果 (macadamia nuts)。


 ----------------------------------------------------------------節錄自橄欖油到蘋果酒: 超市裡的歷史課

已有百年歷史的「家樂氏」在美國飲食史上的地位,重要度絕對可名列前五名。一開始,家樂穀物片本來是有錢有閒能去療養院調養身心的上層社會在院內食用的食療餐點,經過近百年的發展,穀物脆片在美國超市中已成為獨立的欄項產品,佔據的展示面積及五花八門的種類足以讓每一個初進脆片世界的人瞠目結舌,不知從何下手。1/4 世紀之前赴美留學的陳敦源老師便曾提及他初見脆片世界所受到的震撼。

穀物片是由主持巴特爾克里療養院(Battle Creek Sanitarium) 家樂醫師 (John Harvey Kellogg,1851-1943) 所研發的。位於密西根州的巴特爾克里療養院原名西部健康改革院 (Western Health Reform Institute),是由基督復臨安息日會 (The Seventh-day Adventist Church) 所建立的機構,提供生病的教友能夠得到符合他們飲食及心靈需求的醫療服務,是該教會屬靈療癒的一部分。依據該教會領導人懷艾倫所得到的神之訊息,1866年,西部健康改革院(Western Health Reform Institute) 在巴特爾克里成立。

 1875年,受完醫學院訓練的家樂醫師返鄉奉獻,有經營頭腦的他便將原本只服務宗教對象的改革院改為巴特爾克里療養院,並開放給一般民眾。雖然療養院的服務對象擴大,但是該院所提供的「生機生活」(Battle Creek Idea)療程,依據的論理基礎仍然立於安息日會神學論以及素食派的營養學觀點上。療程內容包含了新鮮空氣、陽光、運動、鍛鍊、水療、以榖類與素食為基礎的無鹽無糖餐膳、身體姿勢的調整、心靈心態的改善以及必要的手術治療。

病人在院內不只是接受調養,還必須學習一套從營養到衛生都全面革新的健康生活方式。在家樂醫師的領導下,這個療養院成為世界熱門的療養中心,他所研發的「生機生活」調養療程深受當時上流社會的歡迎,許多名人都前來接受健康改良,從美國總統William Taft、文學家蕭伯納、企業家洛克斐勒、都彭、福特,經濟學家歐文費雪 (Irving Fisher)甚至發明家愛迪生等等都曾經在此接受調養。

其中,穀物片正是家樂醫師提供給療養院患者的膳食之ㄧ,1895年,家樂醫師為他的這項新發明申請專利 (1896年生效),並與他的兄弟Will Keith Kellogg一起設立工廠,開始生產無糖的穀物脆片。然而,對於「穀物片是否該添加糖」的歧見卻導致家樂醫師兄弟鬩牆。1906年,Will Keith Kellogg自立門戶,創立「家樂氏」,開始生產含糖的早餐穀物脆片,至今已成為世界上歷史最悠久的早餐脆片品牌。